Now for some HW on the RPi: IoT Hub Device Streaming Apps that Send & Recv real data - 2 more apps
iot powershell dotnetcore iothub azure iot-core raspbian dotnetio
Can now run the DHT22 sensor functionality, as in previous Telemetry post, using Device Streaming. Also can remotely control a DC motor using Device streaming! How good is that!
The az-iothub-ps set of PowerShell scripts has been extended again: Building upon the .NET Core GitHub project djaus2/DNETCoreGPIO, there is now a pair of apps under Device Streaming that runs on the RPi that sends real Telemetry data to the IoT Hub upon commands from the remote service app.. Uses a DHT22 sensor. Only works on Raspbian though.
There is also a another pair of apps where the service app sends commands to the device to control a DC Motor.
The az-iothub-ps repository
- set-path.ps1 and get-iothub.ps1 are in the PS folder
- Run
first - Then run
to create a hub if needed and to get hub metatdata (connection strings).
- Run
- quickstarts folder is in ps\qs-apps under which are app folders.
How To
- See the setup (including wiring) is in djaus2/DNETCoreGPIO repository
- Set up the IoT Hub as previous using get-iothub PS script and get the environment variables into bash set-env.ps1 scripts, as previous (batch file coming).
- Look for the app folders:
- ps\qs-apps\quickstarts\device-streams\device-streams-cmds
- Run device-RPi only on Raspbian
- ps\qs-apps\quickstarts\device-streams\device-streams-cmds-motor
- Run device-RPi on Raspbian or IoT-Core
- ps\qs-apps\quickstarts\device-streams\device-streams-cmds
With both run the relevant service app on the desktop, with the same connection settings: - Run the or set-env.ps1 (depending upon the OS) script on the device as previous ## More One more 2Do: Motor app via Telemetry.
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