Blazor Helpers App Twilio: Receiving SMS
twilio blazor csharp blazor-server sms twilio
Receiving confirmation replies for volunteered tasks via SMS using Twilio. Includes deciphering the response into a Yes or No.
Ref: Receive and reply to inbound SMS messages with ASP.NET Core
The code in this link is usable in a Blazor Server Controller.
Configure your Webhook URL
The response to messages sent to your Twilio Phone Number are handled by a HTTOPost method in Blazor Server Controller:
public class TwillioController : Controller
private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context;
public TwillioController(ApplicationDbContext context)
this._context = context;
public async Task<TwiMLResult> Index()
The required references in the Controller code are:
using Twilio.AspNet.Core;
using Twilio.TwiML;
using Twilio;
using Twilio.Rest.Api.V2010.Account;
Again these are all covered in the app project file by:
<PackageReference Include="Twilio" Version="5.53.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Twilio.AspNet.Core" Version="5.37.2" />
Expanding the Index method:
public async Task<TwiMLResult> Index()
var requestBody = Request.Form["Body"];
// Get the helper from their mobile number
var from = Request.Form["From"];
Helper helper = await dataAccessService.GetHelperByMobile(from);
// to will be the Twilio number:
var to = Request.Form["To"];
// Proccess the response: See next blog post
await handleRecvdTwilioSMS.ProcessMessage(requestBody, from, helper);
// A Blank response so it isn't sent
var messagingResponse = new MessagingResponse();
return new TwiMLResult(messagingResponse);
Configuring Twilio for Message Reception
- Log into Twilio and go to your Console
- Click on see all phone numbers, then on your number.
- Firstly turn off Voice & Fax
- Under that heading make sure that the Webhook box is empty
- Enable Messaging
- Configure With: Webhooks etc.
- A Message Comes In:
- Webhook: Your <Blazor Server URL><The Sevice Name>
- eg.
- Press [Save]
This is rather more complex as development will typically use IIS Express which typically is on a NAT network and therefore this Controller is hidden from the outside world. In particular Twilio can’t forward to it. The previous section assumed that the Blazor Service was deployed. What about debugging first? The URL you would typically use is something like:
You need a ngrok tunnel so Twilio can reach your development machine. Setup from here
Once setup you run a command such as:
ngrok.exe http -host-header="https://localhost:44378/" 44378
Which gives you something like:
ngrok by @inconshreveable
(Ctrl+C to quit)
Session Status online
Account Me (Plan: Free)
Version 2.3.35
Region United States (us)
Web Interface
Forwarding -> http://localhost:44378
Forwarding -> http://localhost:44378
Connections ttl opn rt1 rt5 p50 p90
0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Note that:
is forwarding to:
So any HTTP GET or POST to the first will be forwarded to localhost.
Nb: If you get an ERR_NGROK_108 error, kill existing running ngoks via Task Manager.
Now, take the first URL and in “Configuring Twilio for Message Reception” use that URL in the WebHook URL. Remember to add the service. Eg:
Remember that the ngok URL will be new for each session and to change the webhook also when you deploy the Blazor app.
Nb: Instead of
ngrok.exe http -host-header="https://localhost:44378/" 44378
command line, you can install Ngok Extensions in Visual Studio via Manage Extensions. Then in the Tools menu you get Start ngok Tunne command.
Also: You want to install Twilio CLI
Next: Onforwarding SMS responses.
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