Softata: Console app - Sensors
January 19, 2024 11:50
David Jones MVP
19 Jan 2024 11:50:26
David Jones MVP
softata rpipico firmata arduino csharp bme280 grove pico sensors
softata rpipico firmata arduino csharp bme280 grove pico sensors
Sensor commands plus a sample run of Softata Console App with Sensor selection.
c# Console Softatalib App commands for Sensors
App Start
SoftataLib.Init(ipaddressStr, port);
string SoftataLib.SendMessageCmd("Version"); //Get Arduino app Version
string SoftataLib.SendMessageCmd("Devices"); // Get list of device types supported
Sensor Queries and Setup
string[] SoftataLib.Sensor.GetSensors()
(byte)sensorLinkedListIndex = SoftataLib.Sensor.SetupDefault(sensorIndex)
Read Sensors
double[]? SoftataLib.Sensor.ReadAll(sensorLinkedListIndex,debug)
string SoftataLib.Sensor.GetTelemetry(sensorLinkedListIndex,debug)
double? SoftataLib.Sensor.Read(sensorLinkedListIndex, p,debug)
If false (default is true) can turn off some debug messages.
Sending Telemetry
To Bluetooth … to Azure IoT Hub coming
string SoftataLib.Sensor.SendTelemetry(sensorLinkedListIndex)
string SoftataLib.Sensor.PauseSendTelemetry(sensorLinkedListIndex)
string SoftataLib.Sensor.ContinueSendTelemetry(sensorLinkedListIndex);
Finish: Close app on Arduino device and restart it.
- Executing soft reset of device puts it in a known (clear) state.
Corresponding Arduino commands
- 0xF0: Sensor type commands
- Param is the Sensor subcommand:
- 0x00 GetPins
- 0x01 GetProperties
- 0x02 SetupDefault
- 0x03 Setup
- 0x04 ReadAll
- 0x05 Read
- 0x06 GetTelemetry
- 0x07 SendTelemetryBT
- 0x08 SendTelemetryToIoTHub (Coming)
- 0x09 PauseSendTelemetry
- 0x0A ContinueTelemetry
- 0xFF GetSensors
- Param is the Sensor subcommand:
- Subcommands 0x00 to 0x03:
parameter specifies the sensor type - Subcommands 0x02 and 0x03:
Both return the linked list node index where the reference to the instantiated sensor class instance is stored. Besides the pin parameter, the second (0x03) requires setup data specific to the sensor. - Subcommands 0x04 to 0x0A:
` parameter is that index to the sensor instantiated node in the sensors linked list
Note:_ Subcomands 0x00 to 0x03 are implemented specifically for each sensor type. Subcommands 0x04 to 0x0A are implemented in a sensor type agnostic manner, using class polymorphism. The last command requires no parameters.
Commands sent to Arduino server from Softatalib as array of bytes:
- Length of array
- Sensor Command Class Type (0xF0)
- Pin
- Param: Subcommand
- Other: Sensor Type / Sensor Linked List index
- OtherData:
- Array of additional data (Used by 2nd Setup method)
- Default setup uses default settings
Sample Console app output: Sensor
1. Main Menu
Hello from Soft-ata!
1. Digital
2. Analog
3. PWM
4. Servo
5. Sensors
6. SPI
7. OneWire
8. Serial
9. NeopixelDisplay
10. LCD1602Display
11. PotLightSoundAnalog
12. USonicRange
13. PotRelay
14. PotServo
Please make a selection (Default is 13):5
Testtype: Sensors
- Option 5: Sensors selected
2. Connect to Server
Connecting to Softata Server.
Socket created to
Sending 2 data bytes
Sent 2 bytes
Received Ready [5] bytes
Sending 2 data bytes
Sent 2 bytes
Received 3.10 [4] bytes
Softata Version: 3.10
Sending 2 data bytes
Sent 2 bytes
Received DEVICES:sensor,actuator,communication,display [45] bytes
- Got Arduino app version and supported device types
3. Get Sensor Types
Sending 3 data bytes
Sent 3 bytes
Received OK:SENSORS:DHT11,BME280,URANGE [30] bytes
- List of sensors implemented returned. Used in following menu:
4. Select Sensor
Sensors found:
2. BME280
- Option 2: BME280 chosen
5. Get sensor connections
Sending 5 data bytes
Sent 5 bytes
Received OK:I2C0 (Pins8/9 (SDA/SCL) fixed): Address 0x77 (Alt 0x76). Embedded in driver though. [86] bytes
BME280 getPins OK
BME280 Pins = I2C0 (Pins8/9 (SDA/SCL) fixed): Address 0x77 (Alt 0x76). Embedded in driver though.
Press any key to continue.
- I2C0 @ 0x77 Connection
6. Setup Sensor
Sending 5 data bytes
Sent 5 bytes
Received OK:0 [4] bytes
Instantiated BME280 found at 0
- BME280 Sensor setup OK
- Sensor node index in Sensor Linked list is
- Is passed to subsequent commands
7. Get Sensor properties
Sending 5 data bytes
Sent 5 bytes
Received OK:Temperature,Pressure,Humidity [32] bytes
BME280 getProperties OK
BME280 property = Temperature
BME280 property = Pressure
BME280 property = Humidity
Press any key to continue.
- Got properties
8. Select Sensor Mode
1. Read Sensor Values.
2. Get Telemetry
3. Start Stream Telemetry to Bluetooth
Default 1.
- Will read sensor values explicitly using ReadAll() and individual property Read()
9. Enter period between reads
Please enter the period btw sensor reads (Default 2500mS): 2000
- 2 seconds entered (2000 mS)
10. Output
BME280 Temperature = 21.44
BME280 Pressure = 100679.53
BME280 Humidity = 53.75
Individual Read():
BME280 Temperature = 21.43
BME280 Pressure = 100679.66
BME280 Humidity = 53.73
Press [Esc] to stop
- [Esc] pressed
11. Finish
1. Read Sensor Values.
2. Get Telemetry
4. Pause Telemetry Stream
5. Continue Telemetry Stream
6. Quit
Default 1.
- Quit selected
Quitting app. Please wait.
Sending 2 data bytes
Sent 2 bytes
Received Done [4] bytes
C:\SoftataConsole.exe (process 48412) exited with code 0.
- Finished
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